
Die, Robot! (A DCC Funnel) & 101 Hex Encounters on the Purple Planet

Created by Studio 9 Games

Two new booklets for DCC/MCC RPG: One is a 0-level funnel adventure on the dark side of the Purple Planet—featuring a new class: Sentient Robot. The other has over 100 encounters to add dimension to your RPG wilderness travels on the Purple Planet.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Surveys Sent
17 days ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 03:04:38 PM

You should have your survey. Please complete it as soon as possible. Last I heard they were allowing a 3-week window to complete the survey.

It will be a comprehensive survey including ALL Purple Planet campaigns.

After all surveys are completed, a shipping calculation for all product will be created and you will get a single shipment fee. This will be completed later.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Studio 9 Games

Survey Launching...
22 days ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 11:51:18 AM

Hello Adventurers into the Purple Planet!

We have launched a SINGLE survey to cover ALL of the Purple Planet pledges.

So, if you pledged with GOODMAN GAMES or any of the other 3rd Party Publishers you will get ONE complete mega-survey to cover all your pledges...and yes...that means one SINGLE shipping fee.

The SMOKE TEST started, so about 2% of your will be part of that batch, we will see if that runs smoothly and if so, everyone else will get surveys within a few days.

Drop a note here if you have any issues and we will work it out.

All the Best,
Studio 9 Games
Die Robot and 101 Hex Encounters on the Purple Planet

Survey Supreme! The Good news...
2 months ago – Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:50:50 AM

Hello Backers of the Purple Planet Horde!

Here is the good news: Soon you will get ONE SURVEY for your ALL your pledges to the PURPLE PLANET.

Because we are bundling the shipping to coordinate with all the other companies who created PURPLE PLANET materials, you will ONLY GET ONE SURVEY—to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them! ...well, at least to warehouse them all and in the shipment combine them.

Now for the great news: You get ONE, that's right, just ONE shipping fee for all your pledges to these PURPLE PLANET campaigns:
  • GOODMAN GAMES (Base Purple Planet materials), 
  • STUDIO 9 GAMES (Die Robot! and 101 Hex Encounters on the PP), 
  • High Dive Games (Random Acts of Violet), 
  • Horse Shark Games (River of Lies) 
  • Raorgen Games (Memories of the Purple Planet), 
  • Gaming Honors (O' Happy Dagger!), 
  • Purple Sorcerer Games (Wrath of the Orb-Men!)

When you get your survey, look for any upgrades or add-ons you wanted from the massive list connected to all the above campaigns. Enjoy the torrent of goodness you are about to witness—I apologize to your wallets ahead of time. There is a lot of awesome materials coming to help create a fantastic Purple Planet campaign or series of one-offs.

Finally, for the most great news: As far as I know, the target shipping date is still on target for this FALL 2024—and we only had to spellburn 2 Stamina to maintain that!

For the HORDE!
--Aaron Kreader
Studio 9 Games

Quick Update
4 months ago – Fri, May 10, 2024 at 11:42:28 AM

Both Booklets are in the proofing stage.

If you want to be part of the editing team, let me know! If you missed getting in on this campaign...go here to get pre-order editions!

The drop-in encounters are in final art stage. 

Proofing will begin in a couple of weeks. For those of you who got these bonus drop-in encounters, we are on course to wrap them up. Ill preview them in the next update!

We are set to print mid summer, and on track to ship in the FALL.

The plan right now is to issue you ONE survey for all your PURPLE PLANET backed campaigns. Goodman Games and all the 3rd party publishers are working with BACKERKIT and a great fulfillment group to make this a simple experience for our backers.

48 Hour Bonus Teaser

For those who did the first 48-hour incentive, you will be getting a PDF adventure (likely the adventure Towers of Dr. Xill—a great drop in for Purple Planet) plus a HI-RES PDF of this EXCLUSIVE purple planet character sheet...check it out here:

A final surprise! Cheddar and Surveys...
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 09:47:21 PM

The votes are in...

You did it! Literally, you guys created an encounter. The 4 polls were set up to create a sort of "mad-lib" for a bonus encounter in the "101 Hex Encounters". And here is what we are working with:

  • An encounter with a very realistic humanoid android with a very bad temper (Roy Batty) and no love for humanoids. They are roaming the wastes of the Purple Planet with access to a precious water supply. In the encounter the android skip the odd numbers in the dice chain when adding or subtracting 1D. And the encounter will be designed to be a little beefy (1 hour).

Thank you for helping make this an amazing campaign. Your awesomeness makes me want to bedazzle the heck out of these two great little books for the purple planet.

Next up

Backerkit will do the "cheddar" collection for your pledge level. After that look to see a survey and make sure you got all the goodies you wanted. Then, I'm jumping into the creative cave!

So mount up and get ready to ride... (sample rough portion from "Die, Robot")